Below, we highlight our recent activities and collaborative efforts from Q2:
Dedicated Police Patrols: Op Mooka
To enhance safety in the town centre, we fund dedicated police patrols on a fortnightly basis. These patrols focus on high visibility and engagement with businesses that contribute to Croydon BID through the BID levy charge. Officers are tasked with visiting levy-paying businesses that have reported issues or concerns directly to the BID or through discussions with the Croydon BID Street Rangers.
In Q2 alone, officers visited 190 businesses, generating valuable intelligence and further leads that help in addressing safety concerns effectively.
Collaborative Solutions: Task Force
The Croydon BID actively represents business interests through the Task Force, which brings together various stakeholders to address collective concerns within the community. This collaborative effort includes council departments, anti-social behaviour (ASB) teams, outreach services, the Metropolitan Police, and third-sector support organisations.
In Q2, the Task Force focused on public realm issues and provided support for the removal of encampments, ensuring that engagement and support were offered prior to action.
Crime Prevention: Croydon Business Crime Reduction Partnership (CBCP)
The Croydon Business Crime Reduction Partnership (CBCP) plays a vital role in enhancing safety and reducing crime in the town centre. As a CBCP member, businesses can learn firsthand about key issues affecting the town and take an active role in reducing crime levels. The CBCP website serves as a vital tool for distributing information quickly across the town centre, offering up-to-date information on known offenders, the latest scams, and specific offenses.
The CBCP saw continued growth in Q2, with membership increasing by 10 businesses. A total of 158 intelligence reports were collected, supporting our efforts to target persistent offenders effectively. 69 individuals participated in face-to-face intelligence forums, providing them with the opportunity to engage directly with the town centre inspector and stay informed about the latest operational developments in the area.
Open Discussions: Leisure and Hospitality Forum
The second meeting of the Leisure and Hospitality Forum in Q2 placed a strong emphasis on safety. This forum welcomes businesses from across the early and night-time economy in Croydon town centre. Together, we explore ways to support businesses with valuable insights, knowledge, and updates through speakers and collective discussions.
The Q2 gathering allowed businesses to learn about the council’s plans for improving CCTV coverage and provided a platform for venues to discuss their safety concerns directly with the police. The collaboration between the BID, local authorities, and businesses is essential in fostering a safe and secure environment for all.
Small Changes, Big Impact: Public Realm Improvements
The overall look and feel of the town centre significantly impacts how safe individuals feel in their surroundings. Poorly maintained areas can inadvertently facilitate criminal activity.
In Q2, we facilitated the removal of a broken and unused big belly bin—a known hiding place for drug stashes. This small yet impactful change reflects our commitment to making incremental improvements to the public realm. We will continue to work closely with the Task Force and Croydon Council to identify and implement further enhancements in the town centre, with exciting developments on the horizon.
Stay tuned for more updates on our ongoing initiatives and how we continue to work towards creating a safer Croydon for everyone. For more information about our safety initiatives, visit: