‘Creative Croydon’ will feature 15 thought provoking pieces of art by five local artists: Divya Sharma, Matt Bannister, Melanie Russell, Miguel Sopena, and Skye Baker.
The artworks will be displayed on 40+ lamp post banners across Central Croydon, adding vibrancy and creativity to our wintery streets as Croydon celebrates its year as the London Borough of Culture.
We are proud to collaborate with the talented Julia Woollams of 31% Wool, for the second time, as we continue to support and promote the arts in our community. Through this initiative, we hope to inspire and engage both residents and visitors, as we bring the beauty and diversity of Croydon’s artistic scene through this outdoor gallery, for all to enjoy.
As Croydon embraces its creative identity as the London Borough of Culture, the newest instalment of the ‘Creative Croydon’ exhibition promises to be a continued celebration of the local artistic talent. Residents and visitors alike are invited once again to enjoy this unique and accessible display of art, enriching the cultural landscape of Croydon.
‘Creative Croydon’ was first introduced in 2022 and featured 15 eye-catching pieces of art by Kate Marsden, Gavin Kinch, Tina Crawford, Lis Watkins, and Bev Jones.