Croydon Council set to ease parking to support local businesses

Croydon is backing local businesses with plans to make parking easier for people visiting Croydon’s high streets and town centres.
The council will be taking action to make parking across the borough fairer and more accessible, and modernising policies to ensure that customers and residents are communicated openly with.

Croydon Council will be listening to the views of businesses and residents on a proposed new parking policy for the borough. Croydon’s Executive Mayor, Jason Perry approved the draft proposals in Cabinet on 26 July, with the public consultation set to launch in September.

Croydon will review the current free short-stay parking arrangements, to make it as easy as possible for people to pop to their local shops in their neighbourhoods and on high streets.

Other proposals include making parking more accessible to people with disabilities, introducing virtual parking permits for residents instead of paper, and targeting illegally parked vehicles and blue badge fraud with enforcement action, which will help to keep the roads safer for everyone and prevent blocking of parking bays.

Plans to simplify parking charges, that will make it easier to understand tariff rates and how long and where people can park, have also been included in proposals.

The council will also review and modernise parking controls and zones, some of which have been in place for some time, to make sure they are fit for purpose and meeting residents’ and businesses’ needs.

Supporting business and the local economy is a priority and I want to make it as easy as possible for residents to pop to their neighbourhood shops, and to visit their local high street.

Making parking a simple, streamlined process is a part of our plans to support local businesses in Croydon and bring shoppers to our high streets and the town centre.

Parking shouldn’t be confusing, and it shouldn’t be impossible to find a spot near the shops – these proposals aim to achieve that goal.

Jason Perry, Executive Mayor, Croydon

Croydon Council will be letting residents know about the upcoming consultation in September.

This article was published on Develop Croydon. Full article available here.