Croydon Stands Tall, which launches this autumn and is supported by presenting partner Superdrug, is one of 14 showcase events planned as Croydon prepares to deliver London Borough of Culture 2023.
In total 30 8ft Giraffe sculptures will be placed throughout the town centre, each with a unique design. Croydon Stands Tall will run for ten weeks, attracting thousands of visitors from all over south London and beyond.
Croydon Business Improvement District (BID), the lead delivery partner for Croydon Stands Tall, is encouraging artists, professional or amateur, from all backgrounds, to submit inspirational designs ranging from fine art to graffiti and mosaic. In total, 30 chosen artists will receive a commission to bring their design and Croydon Stands Tall to life.
Croydon Stands Tall is working with national homelessness charity Crisis, and in particular Crisis Croydon Skylight, as its charity partner. All our 30 Giraffe sculptures will, at the end of the 10-week trail, be auctioned to raise much needed funds to support people who are experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless in the borough.
It’s a real honour for Crisis to have been chosen as the charity partner for such a unique art project in Croydon. The auction at the end will help us to continue our work supporting people across the borough who are facing the devastating reality of homelessness, helping them take the steps they need to rebuild their lives and leave homelessness behind for good.
Artists should visit to complete the artists design submission form. Designs must be submitted by 15th March 2023 to be considered for Croydon Stands Tall. Artists will be commissioned an honorarium of £1000 + VAT (if applicable) upon completion of the artwork.