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Community Bystander Intervention

Empowering Croydon residents and businesses to be active bystanders and challenge misogyny and anti-social behaviour safely.

This free 90-minute workshop, designed by HERSANA aims to help services, businesses, community groups and members of the public understand the importance of how to become active bystanders. This session gives people the skills to recognise and challenge misogynistic behaviour in their everyday life as well as empower them take a safe and active stand against discrimination.

In Croydon, violence and sexual offences are the most frequently reported crimes, and public order offences and anti-social behaviour have increased. As part of Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield and Centrale & Whitgift’s commitment to promoting health and community safety in Croydon, and as part of the legacy of Elianne Andam following her passing in September 2023, this free training is being delivered to help equip participants with the skills to recognise anti-social behaviour, sexual harassment, and misogyny, and to intervene safely when witnessing such behaviours.

Session Outline:
Through an exploration of a series of scenarios and role play, the course creates a safe environment to explore the ideas and teaches participants how to intervene across a range of settings.

  • Recognising harassment, misogynistic and anti-social behaviour.
  • Understand how the above contribute to unsafe public spaces.
  • Understand the impact of harassment and anti-social behaviour.
  • Learn and practice tools and techniques to challenge this behaviour in a safe way.
  • Introduction to resources and safe spaces available to people at-risk and survivors of harassment and gender-based abuse.

A British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter will be present during the in-person session.

Join a session online or in-person on:

Saturday 14th September at 10:30am at the CVA Active Communities Hub on Level 1, Centrale Shopping Centre
Thursday 26th September at 7:30pm on Zoom

To register:

Click the link below to book your free space:

HERSANA Eventbrite Registration – September 2024



Thu 26 Sep
7:30 pm