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A programme for inner peace, combining music by Hildegard, Arvo Pärt, Will Todd and Anna Clyne, at Croydon Minster.
The programme:
Hildegard of Bingen: Ave, generosa
Arvo Pärt: Tribute to Caesar
Will Todd: I shall be an angel of peace
John Taverner: Gaude plurimum
Hildegard of Bingen: Ave, generosa
Arvo Pärt: Da pacem Domine
Anna Clyne: Orbits (New commission, world premiere)
Arvo Pärt: Magnificat
John Taverner: O splendor gloriae
Ticket information:
Prices: £10.00 – £25.00
Booking line: 0333 010 2850
Link to tickets: https://thesixteen.com/event/the-choral-pilgrimage-2025-croydon/