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Working in partnership with the business community, Croydon BID represent the interests of 400+ businesses across the retail, commercial, leisure, hospitality and public sectors in Croydon town centre. We invest and deliver services and initiatives that enhance, improve and make a difference.
Our vision is for Croydon to be one of the most vibrant, sustainable, welcoming and culturally diverse locations in south London in which to do business, work, live and visit. Croydon BID invests an average of £1m per annum on projects, services and initiatives that make a real difference to the needs of our business community and Croydon town centre.
In representing 400+ business members, we have demonstrated our ability to deliver positive, practical, partnership led change. We have proved a strong independent business voice for our members locally, regionally and nationally as we advocate for lasting change.
Our community of 400+ members are largely made up of businesses operating in the retail, hospitality, leisure and professional services sectors. All hereditaments (non-domestic rate paying properties) within the Croydon BID area with a rateable value of £40,000 or more are required to pay a 1% annual mandatory levy.
In October 2021, Croydon BID members voted overwhelmingly in favour for a fourth five-year term. The Croydon BID ballot results were: 92% by number and 95% by value (turnout of 54%) voting to retain Croydon BID.
Take a look at our key business highlights from April 2023 to March 2024.
From the delivery of vital safety initiatives, through to improving the look and feel of our town centre and adding colour and vibrancy to our streets, these highlights will show you the impact we’ve made in enhancing Croydon’s business landscape.
We are committed to addressing the challenges the town centre faces with practical and innovative solutions, championing your interests on matters that most affect your business.
Our business proposal highlights how through the delivery of innovative projects and services, we will manage not just fundamental needs but also deliver activities that enliven and enrich our town centre.
Together, we are committed to delivering value to the area in order to build firmer foundations for sustainable economic growth.
The BID ballot is a vote conducted by the eligible businesses within the BID area on whether they would like to establish a BID. Croydon BID must receive a YES vote from the majority of our voting members in the ballot, both by number and by the total rateable value of those businesses who cast their vote.
In our last ballot, town centre businesses voted overwhelmingly in favour of Croydon BID continuing for a fourth Five Year Term, following a 31-day ballot conducted by Croydon Council Electoral Services.
The most recent BID ballot results are available to download below:
levy paying Croydon BID members
set levy charge frozen for the past 12 years
planned investment in to Croydon town centre, 2022-2027
businesses by number voted in favour of Croydon BID
Croydon BID is at the heart of the business community, working in partnership to offer practical solutions to the day-to-day challenges we experience. We have evolved, delivering on your needs as an independent representative business voice with influence locally, regionally and nationally.
Matthew Sims, Chief Executive, Croydon BID
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Grosvenor House
Part 9th Floor
125 High Street
Croydon CR0 9XP
©Croydon BID 2023
Exclusive deals and promotions from Croydon’s top stores, bars, restaurants, and more!
Things to do, places to go, and where to shop in and around Croydon town centre.
Latest news and happenings in Croydon town centre.
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